explains key word concepts -->
Neurotransmitter Receptors ... K-channel - Molecular Cell Biology - NCBI Bookshelf 
Jump to Cardiac Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activate a G Protein That ... - That Gβγ directly activates the K+ channel has been shown by single-channel ...
Neurotransmitters and receptors - University of Bristol 
K Channel languages .. Kremlin version
K Channel .............. the Kiev version .
K Channel language ..Korea version .
K Channel .. the Boston Kennedy version
Ku Klux Klan .... a K-channel neurotransmitter society
and its
INTERNAL brain .....
potassium K-channel THOUGHTS that result in
EXTERNAL information displays VIA human activity
- Wikipedia 
The Ku Klux Klan (KKK), or simply the Klan, is the name of three distinct movements in the United States that have advocated extremist reactionary currents such ...
Ku Klux Klan - neuron Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
Cross-correlation and signals- Wikipedia 
Jump to Time series analysis - In signal processing, cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two series as a function of the displacement of one relative to the other. This is also known as a sliding dot product or sliding inner-product. It is commonly used for searching a long signal for a shorter, known feature.
[PDF]Cross-Correlation Analysis - ccapp - The Ohio State University 
8.2 Cross Correlation Functions and Lagged Regressions | STAT 510 
code name
-> Vladimir --> VL LA dim Mir --> Variable length (data records)
La (Load Address instruction)
Dim ...dimension of M-theory and string theory
Putin --> COMPUTER EARTH Put instruction
code words
--> outbreak of hostilities --> subset code --> Out host
--> Output data records and host computer
What is host computer? definition and meaning - BusinessDictionary ... 
www.businessdictionary.com/definition/host-computer.htmlhost computer. Main or controlling computer connected to other computers or terminals to which it provides data or computing services via a network. It is similar to a server in a client-server architecture.
host computer Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary 
--> Ukraine shelling ..........--> Uk........e shell
--> Ukraine shelling ..........--> Uk........e shell
--> U k ........electron shell (language)WAR ..........
--> Uranium .....
K,L, M principle quantum levels .....
92 electron shells (Margaret Mead atomic social science wars on earth surface )
Below, What is hole? - Definition from WhatIs.com 
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Computer Science › ElectronicsA hole is the absence of an electron in a particular place in an atom. Although it is not a physical particle in the same sense as an electron, a hole can be passed from atom to atom in a semiconductor material. Electrons orbit the nucleus at defined energy levels called bands or shells.
Electrons and “holes'' | Solid-state Device Theory | Electronics Textbook 
https://www.allaboutcircuits.com › ... › Solid-state Device Theory
(a) Intrinsic semiconductor is an insulator having a complete electron shell. (b) However, thermal energy can create few electron hole pairs resulting in weak ...
Electron hole - Wikipedia 
Nucleotides and Bases - Genetics Generation 
A nucleotide is the basic structural unit and building block for DNA. These building blocks are hooked together to form a chain of DNA. A nucleotide is composed ...
Nucleotide - Wikipedia 
Nucleotides in DNA | Science Primer 
Some of the most fundamental properties of DNA emerge from the characteristics of its four basic building blocks, called nucleotides. Knowing the composition of ...
DNA: Nucleotide Structure - Pearson - The Biology Place 
Stemming the Populist Tide:
How Electoral Rules May Hold Back the ... 
Apr 25, 2017 - National Front candidate Marine Le Pen's advancement to the second round of France's presidential election, to be held May 7, was welcomed ...
How Electoral Rules
How Electron orbital Rules
with O = Oxygen atomic social science President O = Obama
France could turn the populist tide - Financial Times 
Feb 1, 2017 - In an age defined by populist insurrections, it would be foolhardy to predict the outcome of the poll. France has been in the grip of economic ...
Why Hillary Clinton flounders amid the populist tide |
New York Post with the Emily POST electro-magnetic field POST OFFICE
Bertrand Russell - Wikipedia 
Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, social critic, political activist and ...
Bertrand Russell - Biographical - Nobelprize.org 
Bertrand Arthur William Russell was born at Trelleck on 18th May, 1872. His parents were Viscount Amberley and Katherine, daughter of 2nd Baron Stanley of ...
Keywords--> England and bloody --> En + gland + Blood
--> English language software WAR (with bull-shit)
within human body glands and blood ......
physical biology components and their molecular social THOUGHTS
Bottom 3 line --> June 23 vote and Jo Cox ..bookseller ---->
23 (chromosome pairs) Cox biochemistry textbook
......Michael M. Cox - Biochemistry | UW-Madison - University of Wisconsin ... 
4 days ago - Contact and research information for UW-Madison Biochemistry Faculty member Michael M. Cox.
Cox Lab - Biochemistry | UW-Madison - University of Wisconsin ... 
https://biochem.wisc.edu/labs/coxMar 7, 2017 - Molecular biology and enzymology of genetic recombination and DNA repair. Many classes of DNA rearrangements occur in all cells and play ...
Many classes of DNA rearrangements occur
Many classes of DNA rearrangements occur
Many classes of DNA rearrangements occur
Many classes of DNA rear ......arrangements occur
Rear-end collision - Wikipedia 
A rear-end collision (often called simply rear-end or in the UK a shunt) is a traffic accident wherein a vehicle (usually an automobile or a truck) crashes into the vehicle in front of it.
Injury Claims for Rear-end Auto Accidents - Injury Claim Coach 
In a slow speed rear-end collision when airbags don't deploy, your face can smash into the steering wheel. The force of the impact can break your nose, fracture ...
Is Fault Automatic in a Rear-End Car Accident Case? | Nolo.com 
From fender benders, to high-speed head-on collisions, the scenarios are almost endless. A common type of collision is when one car rear-ends another. There is a pretty well-known presumption that rear-end car accidents are always the fault of the driver who rear ended the car in front.
Who is liable in a rear-end collision? | Attorneys.com 
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