explains key word concepts -->
Math 141 -
Page size wars
Skull - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The skull is a bony structure that forms the head of the skeleton in most vertebrates. It supports the structures of the face and provides a protective cavity for the ...
System: Skeletal system
Greek: κρανίον
Latin: cranium
Skull - Anatomy Pictures and Information - InnerBody 
www.innerbody.com › Skeletal System › Bones of the Head and Neck
Skull - alpha letters
data letter ..............A C H K L M
location 11 --> letter K --> pointer to atomic number 19 = K = potassium atomic brain
Neurotransmitters and receptors - Bris.ac.uk 
www.bris.ac.uk/synaptic/basics/basics-2.htmlUniversity of Bristol
K Channel. K ions. Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations of certain ions (charged atoms) across their cell membranes. Imagine the case ...
Staples College Ruled Filler Paper, 8 1/2" x 11", 400/Pack (27521M ... 
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Office Depot® Brand Notebook Filler Paper, College-Ruled, 8 1/2" x 11" 
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Office Depot
College-Ruled, 8 1/2" x 11"
Page (computer)
searchsoa.techtarget.com › Portals, presentation and clients › Computing fundamentals
3) In computer systems that use virtual memory (also known as virtual storage), a page is a unit of data storage that is brought into real storage (on a personal computer, RAM) from auxiliary storage (on a personal computer, usually the hard disk) when a requested item of data is not already in real storage (RAM).
Page (computer memory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
A page, memory page, or virtual page is a fixed-length contiguous block of virtual memory, described by a single entry in the page table. It is the smallest unit of data for memory management in a virtual memory operating system.
What is a COMPUTER EARTH ... geography surface page? -
Definition from WhatIs.com - SearchSOA - TechTarget 
searchsoa.techtarget.com › Portals, presentation and clients › Computing fundamentals
What is Route 64 double word by FermiLAB .....
Chicago region ?
- Computer Hope 
Timothy McVeigh(t) = 8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
Principia Mathematica (PM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more ...
Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more
O...............signal 168 people dead
O = Oxygen atomic mass 16 and atomic number 8 signal ......
168 BRAIN dead people with living bodies ...... after the tragic event ...
168 BRAIN dead people with physical biology dead bodies
Day of the Dead (1985) - Rotten Tomatoes 
Rotten Tomatoes
Final chapter of Romero's trilogy.
it's nowhere near the level of "Night of the Living Dead ....
it's nowhere near the level of "Night of the Living Dead ....
it's nowhere near the level of "Ni ... of the Living Dead ....
it's nowhere near the level of "Nitrogen ,,,,,, the Living Dead ....
it's nowhere near the level of "Nitrogen bomb used for message in Oklahoma,,,,, the Living Dead ....
On September 30, 1994, Nichols bought forty 50-pound (23 kg) bags of ammonium nitrate from Mid-Kansas Coop in McPherson, Kansas; this would be enough to fertilize 4.25 acres of farmland at a rate of 160 pounds of nitrogen per acre
of 160 pounds of nitrogen per acre
of 160 pounds of nitrogen per acre
of 168 DEAD .... nitrogen message per acre ..per acre .....per ache herd
The Oklahoma City Bombing and the
Rigged information choreography Trial of
Timothy J. McVeigh: An ... 
University of Missouri–Kansas City
Key Evidence and Testimony in Trial of Timothy McVeigh | Fox News 
Fox News Channel
Key Evidence
Key Evidence ....... code ev
Key Ev ide --> Key electron volt ideas/data
NASA's Cosmicopia -- Basics of SCIENCE WAR cover-ups, lies and schemes approved by NASA social science puppets and wimps
-- Energetic Particles 
helios.gsfc.nasa.gov/particle.htmlNASAEnergetic particles include protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, the nuclei of atoms, and other sub-atomic particles. An electron volt (eV), is a unit of energy .
Energetic Particles 
Evidence On Mcveigh Sound ....... harmonic WAVE brains .... ear/mouth BRAIN cells of Prosecutors Say - tribunedigital ... 
U.S. Department of Justice ...songs and dances of the EAR people with big mouth that fail to do their math amd basic chemistry/ physics/ biology science homework
United States Department of Justice
Contact the Department of EARS | DOJ | Department of Justice 
https://www.justice.gov/contact-usUnited States Department of Justice
Jun 29, 2016 - Messages to the Department of Justice, including the Attorney General, may be sent using this form. Your message will be forwarded to the ...
Hearing (law of big mouth and INTELLECTUAL bragging) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
or other MUSIC decision-making body or officer, such as a government agency or a Parliamentary committee. A EAR / MOUTH hearing is generally distinguished from a trial in that it is usually shorter and often less formal.
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Oak Creek Sikh Temple Shooting - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 
www.jsonline.com › News › Crime
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Officers in Sikh Temple shooting will receive Congressional Badge of Bravery. Oak Creek Police Lt. Brian Murphy and Officer Sam Lenda will receive the ...
Oak Creek (OC) Sikh ..... T em ple ..... Shooting
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and
Wade AtoMIC
Wade ........Michael Page fatally shot carbon six
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
500 kHz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
international calling and distress frequency for Morse code
international calling and distress frequency for Morse code
international calling and distress frequency for Morse code
Printing press - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Johannes Gutenberg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Gutenberg's Legacy 
www.hrc.utexas.edu › ... › Books Before and After
Harry Ransom Center
... in Italy (1465). Notice the change in printing type, or font, from the Gutenberg Bible. ... Before the year 1500, three quarters of all books were written in Latin.
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and
Wade Michael Page
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Staples WHITE cellulose paper molecules......
for white Reinforced Filler Paper, College Ruled, 8-1/2" x 11", Each ... 
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What is White Supremacy in the paper manufacturing industry
..that uses paper wood pulp ? | SOA Watch: Close the School of the ... 
School of the Americas Watch
Pulp (paper) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Pulp category: Production
Chemical: 131.2
Total pulp: 334.0
Mechanical: 37.8
Paper Online - Pulping 
Images for pulp paper makingImages for pulp evolution with human BIG MOUTH
Pulpit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Pulpit is a raised stand for preachers in a Christian church. The origin of the word is the Latin pulpitum (platform or staging).
Protestantism · Presbyterian churches · Roman Catholicism · Ambon
White Supremacist ....... Isaac Newton and white sunlight
| Definition of White Supremacist by Merriam-Webster 
Amazon.com : Staples College ..... WHITE Ruled Filler Paper, 8 1/2" x 11", 400 ... 
Amazon.com, Inc.
I was actually really surprised by this paper. I expected this to be extremely thin and that I'd be able to see all my writing through it, but that's not quite the case.
White supremacy ..... white sperm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
White supremacy or white supremacism is a racist ideology centered upon the belief, and promotion of the belief, that white people are superior in certain characteristics, traits, and attributes to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore white people should politically, economically and socially rule non- ...
Color of Semen | What Color Should My Ejaculate Be? - BiggerLoads 
www.biggerloads.com › Semen Taste
why black men have a big dick and a big mouth dictionary-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5v64b1TXBEJun 2, 2015 - why black men have a big dick Is it true black guys have the bigger penis? Why Do Black Men Have Bigger Willies? It is an important question ...why black men have a big dick and a big mouth dictionary-
Washington Redskins Football
- Redskins infra-red secret BEDROOM languages .....
social science News, pussy Scores, Stats ... 
Washington Redskins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The Periodic Table: Families and Periods - For Dummies 
www.dummies.com/how-to/content/the-periodic-table-families-and-periods.htmlThe vertical columns of elements are called groups, or families . Periods ... ... In each period (horizontal row), the atomic numbers increase from left to right. The periods are ... The newer method uses the numbers 1 through 18. So why do the ...
the numbers 1 through 18
the numbers 1 through 18
the numbers 1 through 18 --> 18 --> molecule leve1
Water molecule continuum battle zone
Q & A: why is speed of light 186,000 mph? | Department of Physics ... 
Jun 2, 2011 - Namely, why is the speed of light what it is (186,000 miles per ... e is the unit charge, h is Planck's constant, and c is the speed of light, etc.
Is there a reason why light is limited to the code 18 LINK ....
C 186,000 miles per second ... 
We say light travels at 186,000 miles per second because we commonly use miles as a metric .... Do not confuse the speed of light and the universal constant c.
Q & A: why is speed of light 186,000 mph? | Department of Physics ... 
Jun 2, 2011 - Namely, why is the speed of light what it is (186,000 miles per ... e is the unit charge, h is Planck's constant, and c is the speed of light, etc.
Is there a reason why light is limited to the 186,000 miles per second ... 
We say light travels at 186,000 miles per second because we commonly use miles as a metric .... Do not confuse the speed of light and the universal constant c.
Popular Mechanics - Jan 1947 - Page 272 - Google Books Result 
Vol. 87, No. 1 - Magazine
He is thought to have achieved a speed of 650 miles per hour when a sound ... quickly through the supersonic region between 600 and 1000 miles per hour.
How many mph is Mach 1? | Yahoo Answers 
travels at about 600 miles per hour at 11,000 feet. ?
Franz --> Base 16 Hex'F' =15 --> April 15, 2013 message to Boston human bio-computer crap
Sikh Temple Killer Wade Michael Page Radicalized in Army ... 
Southern Poverty Law Center
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded .... Page had ties to white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups, and was ...
more than a decade in the neo-Nazi movement
more than a decade in the neo-Nazi movement
more than a decade in the neo-cortex .......
white cellulose paper used in math and science textbooks
........ white paper printed black ink symbols and diagrams
........ using white light incandescent bulbs -->
white supremacy Na (numerics alphabets ..symbol life) .... Nazi movement
Wade Page Is Suspected Sikh Temple Killer - The New York Times 
The New York Times
Proteins and expression / message amplifier agents - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Proteins (/ˈproʊˌtiːnz/ or /ˈproʊti.ᵻnz/) are large biomolecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more long chains of amino acid residues.
Human Eye Anatomy - Parts of the Eye Explained - All About Vision 
www.allaboutvision.com › Resources
Through a process called accommodation, this lens helps the eye automatically focus on near and approaching objects, like an autofocus camera lens. Light focused by the cornea and crystalline lens (and limited by the iris and pupil) then reaches the retina — the light-sensitive inner lining of the back of the eye.
Parts of the Eye Explained
it was the culmination of more than a decade in the neo-Nazi movement
it was the culmination of more than a decade in the neo-Nazi movement
it was the culmination of Neo-cortex evolution Nazi --> Na = sodium channels movement
K Channels and Na ... Nazi .... Numeric brain channels
https://www.rpi.edu/dept/bcbp/.../mb1/.../channel.htmRensselaer Polytechnic Institute
K+ channels are highly selective for K+, e.g., relative to Na+. The selectivity filter that determines which cation (e.g., Na+ or K+) can pass through a channel is ...
Nazi | Define sodium chloride SALT molecule agents NaCl .....
Nazi at Dictionary.com 
noun, plural Nazis. 1. a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust. 2.
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster 
1 : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible SALT thought molecule .....
means of visible ...... the EARTH geography LAND surface as an information display surface via city names and human behavior ...as data generating entities to provide MOLECULE thought output data ...... empirical data to scientists
means of visible ...... the EARTH geography LAND surface as an information display surface via city names and human behavior ...as data generating entities to provide MOLECULE thought output data ...... empirical data to scientists
Visit Salzburg, Austria : Travel Guide :
Birthplace of
Mo = Molecular Music Mo = Modus Operandi VIA
Mo = Mozart : salzburg.info 
Salzburg Information
Salzburg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Jump to Division of Salzburg and annexation by Austria and Bavaria - Salzburg is the fourth-largest city in Austria and the capital of the fed/eat people ..federal government of mouth
.. digestive system entities .
United States Senate Page - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A United States Senate Page (Senate Page or simply Page) is a non-partisan federal employee serving the United States Senate in Washington, DC.Darwin Selection
In order to become a US Senate Page, one must first be nominated by a Senator, generally from his or her State. A candidate must be a 16- or 17-year-old high school junior (11th grade), with at least a 3.0 GPA. Summer pages can be either incoming or outgoing juniors and still have a GPA requirement of a 3.0. Processes for selection vary by state and senator. Typically, a senator's office will require the applicant submit a transcript, resume, and various essays. The process is similar to that of selecting an office employee, and may include interview of final applicants by a board of review.
Students can apply for appointment to one of four terms: a Fall semester (September-January), a Spring semester (January-June), a three or four week June session, and a three or four week July session.
During the school year, there are up to 30 Pages. The majority appoints up to 16, while the minority appoints up to 14.
US Senate Pages currently reside at the Daniel Webster Senate Page Residence. This facility was previously a funeral home and was reconfigured in order to provide Pages with a home away from home during their time in Washington. Administration and staff include the Page Program Director, Administrative Assistant, four resident Proctors, and one non-resident Proctor.
The living quarters cover two floors, one for male Pages, the other for female Pages. Each floor has a day room for social activity. All Pages share furnished rooms with other Pages and each room is designed for four or six occupants. Each room has closet space, a bathroom, and a single telephone. The Senate Page School, laundry facilities and a kitchen are located on the basement level.
The program provides the pages with two meals per day, seven days per week. Breakfast is provided at the residence. Lunch is provided on weekdays through a meal card at the Senate Cafeterias. On Saturdays, lunch or dinner is usually provided through a voucher for a meal at Union Station, or if the Pages are on a field trip, lunch or dinner will be provided on the trip. On Sundays, the program provides dinner at the residence, or goes out to a restaurant.
The living quarters cover two floors, one for male Pages, the other for female Pages. Each floor has a day room for social activity. All Pages share furnished rooms with other Pages and each room is designed for four or six occupants. Each room has closet space, a bathroom, and a single telephone. The Senate Page School, laundry facilities and a kitchen are located on the basement level.
The program provides the pages with two meals per day, seven days per week. Breakfast is provided at the residence. Lunch is provided on weekdays through a meal card at the Senate Cafeterias. On Saturdays, lunch or dinner is usually provided through a voucher for a meal at Union Station, or if the Pages are on a field trip, lunch or dinner will be provided on the trip. On Sundays, the program provides dinner at the residence, or goes out to a restaurant.
United States Senate Page
United States Senate Page
United States Senate Page
United ..ates .......ate Page
United States Senate Page
United States Senate duplicate Page
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
- On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people and wounded four others. Page committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after he was shot in the stomach by a responding police officer. Page was an American white supremacist and United Stat…See more on en.wikipedia.org · Text under CC-BY-SA license
Sikh temple shooter identified as Wade Michael Page ...
Wade Michael Page | Murderpedia , the encyclopedia of
Wade Michael Page
Wade Michael Page
Wade .... textbook Page
Wade Michael Page
Wade Mic........Page
Wade .... textbook Page
on atoMIC agents
Shooting of Mic ... Michael Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the protests that followed the shooting of Michael Brown, see Ferguson unrest.on atoMIC agents
on atoMIC agents
- Michael Joseph Jackson was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and actor.
Called the King of Pop, his contributions to music, dance and fashion along with his publicized personal life
Jesse Jackson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr. (born Jesse Louis Burns; October 8, 1941) is an American civil rights activist, Baptist minister, and politician. He was a candidate for the ...
- Jesse Louis Jackson, Sr. is an American civil rights activist, Baptist minister, and politician. He was a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1984 and 1988 and served as a shadow
Michael Jeffrey Jordan, also known by his initials, MJ, is an American retired professional basketball player. He is also a businessman, and principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets. Jordan played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards. His biography on the NBA website states:
E2, crowd crush, night club, nightclub, night club safety ...
The 21 deaths at E2 - tribunedigital-chicagotribune
E2 nightclub in the 2300 block of South Michigan Avenue.
E2 nightclub in the 2300 block of South Michigan Avenue.
E2 nightclub in the 2300 block of South AtoMic .......... Avenue.
the 2300 block
the 2300 block
the 2300 block......
- Richard Speck entered the 2319 East 100th Street townhouse ...
- Richard Benjamin Speck was an American mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped, and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.
Lincoln --> Lin + coln --> lines/rows and vertical columns
Port of Milwaukee ...Lincoln street
Illinois ..LAND of Lincoln .....EARTH geography land surface .... linear algebra format
Biology: A Search For Order In Complexity
In 1959, a much-fragmented skull was found in a gorge 300 feet deep in Kenya, East Africa. The skull... was named Zinjanthropus (zin-jan'thr3-p3s, Africa man).Olduvai Gorge: ZinJan SKU11.....,,, Page 92 - Google Books Result
L. S. Leakey - 1965 - Science
It deals with the skull of Zinjan- thropus boisei in very considerable detail. Three further volumes are in preparation. Mrs M. D. Leakey's deals with the living sites .Staples College Ruled Filler Paper, 8 1/2" x 11", 400/Pack (27521M ...
www.staples.com › Paper & Stationery › Filler Paper
Paper, 8 1/2" x 11"
Paper, 8 1/2" x 11",
Paper, 8 1/2" x SKU11",
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) Definition of SKU11 memory warehouse
| Investopedia
Neuroscience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Society for Neuroscience -
Society for Neuroscience
Society for Neuroscience -
Eurodollar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
EUR/USD - Live Rate, Forecast, News and Analysis - DailyFX
Daily FX
Euro exchange rates USD - European Central Bank
European Central Bank
The Subconscious (SC) and the Self - Physics-Intuition-Applications
The subconscious (SC) mind, including the unconscious, is part of the Self. ... Carl Jung (1875 - 1961) studied with Freud and eventually founded his own school .
Collective unconscious - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sikh Temple Killer Wade Michael Page Radicalized in Army ...
Sikh Temple Killer Wade
Sikh Temple Killer Wade
Wade Michael Page | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people in a mass shooting at a Sikh temple in ... white supremacist and United States Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin.
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy ...
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
John F. Kennedy assassinated -
November code 220 volts .... copper 63 in 1963
United States Department of Energy and Watts.......
copper isotope 65 riots in year 1965
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
History · Organization · Facilities · Responsibility for Bedroom biology cell nuclear weapons ......
such as the Mr. penis nuclear control rod
such as the Mr. penis nuclear control rod
Watts Riot begins - Aug 11, 1965 - HISTORY.com
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia, the ...
Department of Energy ... Route 29 energy | USAGov
Route 29 Stalker - Unsolved Mysteries Wiki - Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unknown Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For:Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Cu = copper .... Vir = Ohms law of resistance to bull-shit social sciences BRAGGING
Don Quixote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Published in English: 1612 (Part One); 1620 ...
Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Original title: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote ...
Publisher: Francisco de Robles
starting with Don Quixote's attack on windmills
starting with Don Quixote's attack on windmills
starting with Don Quixote's attack on wind / mouth mills .......
Don Quixote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Published in English: 1612 (Part One); 1620 ...
Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Original title: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote ...
Publisher: Francisco de Robles
Don Quixote's attack on windmills
Don Quixote's attack on windmills
Don Quixote's attack on EARTH magnetic field wind .... mills ..number 11
The magnetic field FLOW lines ...flow into your body and interact with iron Ferrous oxide
Earth 11 degree angle / tilt ---> 11 --> SKU11 link
Geomagnetic reversal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Earth's magnetic field could flip within our lifetime – but don't worry, we ...
www.extremetech.com › Computing
Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All The (Geologic) Time -
Nasa BRAIN Reversal TEAM .....
how to think backwards and become stupd again
BBC - Earth - Earth's magnetic field now flips more often than ever
Tilting at windmills - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don Quixote - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Published in English: 1612 (Part One); 1620 ...
Author: Miguel de Cervantes
Original title: El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote ...
Publisher: Francisco de Robles
Wilbur Mills - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wilbur Mills and Fanne Fox | The Big Picture | Arkansas news, politics ...
www.arktimes.com › News › The Big Picture
Arkansas Times
Carmen Ortiz and the Justice Department cover-up of Spanish language sub-conscious MIND .,...CIA agent ...Garcia
Carmen Ortiz and the Justice Department cover-up of ///
Judge delays trial of LAX ....CIA double agent code .....
suspected shooter Paul Ciancia until ...
Daily Breeze
Penning traps as a versatile tool for precise experiments in ... - arXiv
by K Blaum - 2009 - Cited by 101 - Related articles
precision, are discussed. Unique applications of Penning traps in fundamental physics are presented. Ultra-precise trap-measurements of masses and magnetic
Below, EARTH LAB ...... applied physics building
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, ...
The multi-layer attack format
END of explanation
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